Monday, December 21, 2009

Winter solstice

Dearly Beloved,

Grace and Peace to you.

Today is the winter solstice: on our tilted planet the northern half leans farthest away from the sun on this day, and we begin the long arc back around to the lighter side. This is the shortest day (last night was the longest night): the sun rises later and sets earlier than on any other day, and farther to the south. (Notice where it rises and sets. Find your place in the order of things.)

It’s a day of promise and paradox. The days will get longer from here on out. And yet, winter is only beginning. The darkness is just now beginning to take effect. We have three more months of dark weather, winter cold and hibernation ahead of us. Yet, even as we enter into winter, spring has already won the battle. Light already rises from the tomb.

Early Christians in northern Europe borrowed ancient solstice celebrations to mark the birth of Jesus. “The true light that enlightens everyone was coming into the world.” Darkness will still be with us. Mystery enfolds us. We rise out of the unknown and move toward the One who can be loved but not thought. We travel the way of suffering and unknowing. And with us all the way, in the darkness, the blessed darkness, is the Light.

The promise of this day is not that the darkness will end. Our sufferings will not disappear. We will not come to some place where we know everything. Mystery will endure. The promise is that the Beloved will be with us. The light shines in the darkness and the darkness cannot overcome it. Therefore we are not afraid to look in the darkness, to seek grace in suffering and mystery, to accompany those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, and to endure all things with hope. Winter may be coming, but spring has already triumphed.

Deep Blessings,
Pastor Steve

Copyright © 2009
Steve Garnaas-Holmes

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